Tuesday, June 26, 2007

durtbagz: the website demo

hey gang. i was busy wasting time on mybloglog and realized i hadn't written anything today. whoops a daisy...

anyway, i've decided that today is the day for showing you all the demo for the website. here are the things you need to keep in mind when you look at it:

1. it's not done
2. it is a bit busy, but not if you're 19
c. we're adding a real photo to it once we get bagz produced to break up the black/yellow
4. there will be 15-20 signs as options and they are going in the squares featuring random pictures right now (along the bottom when you open it)
e. this is only the home page, the rest will follow once this one is completed

here it is... (yes, click on this).

let me know what you think about it, although, i have to admit, we're not going to change much on this page at this point. so there.

also, we don't have a slogan yet and i'm thinking i'll have a contest after we've been online for a while and let you guys choose one for me. the only one i can think of right now is, 'you don't have to have a mullet to be a durtbag,' but i think i have mullets on the brain.

1 comment:

African Kelli said...

Durtbagz: Where Mullets are Fashion

And I dig the site. Can't wait for it to launch!