Friday, June 29, 2007

durtbagz: flake-off friday

this morning i got up and i was talking to malcolm (husband), when it hit me what i was going to write about today. you know how it's funny when people mess up sayings that everyone knows? it's hilarious to me and mal does it on a regular basis. so i thought today's post would be funny mis-quotes and conversations...

while on our way to yellowstone, we were eating wasabe peas, when mal asks, 'what are these things? garbanzo beans?'
i reply, 'wasabe peas?'
'yeah', he says. 'what are they?'
'keep thinking on it for a little bit, i bet you can figure out what wasabe peas are', i say.
'yeah, but what are they? what's this green stuff?' he asks.
'it's peas. they are peas. they are called wasabe peas. wasabe peas are made with peas. they are peas,' i reply, maybe overreacting a bit.
'oh. well, i didn't know.' end of conversation.

'i am hotter than a horse in church!' spoken by a sorority sister of mine my junior year at ku during rush.

'people just turn a blind shoulder to all of this stuff...' malcolm at lunch last year.

'yeah, just trim it on the top and sides 'cause the party's in the front!'
'the party's in the back, honey.'
'oh yeah.' malcolm this morning in a conversation about mullets.

'yeah, those judas priests knocked on my door...'
'you mean jehovah's witnesses?'
'whatever...' penner. awesome.

people, you know you've got some, add to the list.
happy friday.


African Kelli said...

My brother teases me because he says I'm always correcting him. I try not to, but when you say, "I could care less" I have to ask: "If you COULD care less, why are you telling me?"
Perhaps he "couldn't" care less.

The horse in church one made me snort. ha!

The Mathertons said...

That's funny. Sometimes my mouth works faster than my mind.

Now, is it "hand over fist" or "hand over foot"?

I'm here all week. Tip your wait staff.

-the husband