Friday, June 22, 2007

durtbagz: flake-off friday

so i'm sitting in a starsucks in clairemont california, using the not-free wireless, which makes me dislike this coffee chain even more. apparently $12 for a frozen pound of calories isn't enough money for them. okay, enough complaining, it's friday for crying out loud.

i went on a long run this morning to take some time to come up with a good story for today (and take advantage of being in 80-90 degree weather). i came up with a lot of short memories of growing up that will give you the insight on why i am too immature to work for someone else and like the sign with a pedestrian being hit by a car...

my girlfriend was in a wheelchair, a motorized one. it went real fast; faster than we could run (yes, we raced to see how fast it would go). she used to like to drink zima as much as the rest of us on a few given occasions (high school) and when she did, we would pay the price. you try walking next to someone who weighs about 40lbs, has had two zimas, and is attempting to steer a wheelchair with a very touchy joystick. my heels and shins were not happy when drunk katie was on the loose. "hey, where's kat-OW, back up!" i think i still have scars...

in elementary school, it was cool to cut off your jeans and wear them as classy shorts, fringe hanging down and all (of course, paired with something awesome like a spuds mackenzie shirt i wasn't allowed to wear). one afternoon, my friend was over and we decided to cut off a pair of my jeans. after this was accomplished, we started messing around with the legs we'd cut off. 'messing around' means whipping each other with them. why? apparently it's what hillbillys do. we were outside on my back porch, in the rain, whipping each other with the legs of a pair of jeans. i just have flashes of it; i think i blacked out during the event. hey, i never claimed to be smart, you're the one spending time reading this...

last one, also involves said friend from above. i had a little fan in my room about 6" in diameter. at some point, we received a package that had popcorn foam in it. my friend and i grabbed the package and started feeding the foam into the spinning fan, one by one. it was awesome, it shot out like snow. so we kept doing it, kept doing it, kept doing it. eventually, my mom walked in because we were being so quiet (we in 4th grade i'm pretty sure). the point she walks in and stares at us is the same exact point that we realize that this might not be a good idea. it is also when we realize we've used every piece of foam in the package. the next game we played was pick up the foam with out using a vacuum.

why am i admitting these things? to prove that even an idiot like me can start a business so think about how much hope there is for you guys that have an entire brain available for use.

peace out, happy friday.
PS thanks for all of you that asked for surveys. you're awesome. next week, i'll talk about the website and include the link for it so you can help me with feedback on that (and get a sneak preview) as well.

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